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The ABCDE approach to resuscitation 

The ABCD of resuscitation, plays a vital role in assessing your patient,  this is your initial assessment:
A.......Airway and Cervical immobilization 
B...... Breathing and Ventilation 
C.......Circulation and hemorrhage control 
D.......Disability and Neurological deficit
E...... Environment and Exposure 

First of all make sure that the scene is safe, wear the necessary PPEs
When you go to the patient tap for response, "hello can you hear me" if the patient is conscious and vocalising that indicates that the airway is patent, apply cervical collar for a trauma patient with suspected c-spine trauma.

check for breathing, look listen and feel , check for use of accessory muscle and count respiration which is from 12-20c/m, auscultate the chest for lung sound, check Spo2 if need be deliver oxygen.

Look at the colour hands and digit are they blue(cyanosis) or pink, check the capillary refill time which should not exceed 2s, look at the veins are they collapsing , assess the pulse rate  which is normally 60-100b/m, look out for the rhythm of the pulse, is they heamorrage arrest bleeding either by using a tourniquet, direct pressure etc check the blood pressure, and administer fluid.

Check the pupil reaction to light which must be equal and reactive to light(PEARL), assess mental status using glasgow coma scale or the AVPU approach(Alert, Verbal, Pain,  and Unresponsive to stimuli) check glucose level, and splint fracture.

Check the temperature which is 36.2-37.2 degree centigrade, and also note the temperature of the environment.


Franklin said…
Thanks to paramedic Ewa Magdalene for this great article.

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